lPhoto and lSongs aim to fulfill a legitimate gap in the Open Source product offering, but this didn't mean that they had to make direct duplicates of Apple's equivalent iApps. Check it out:
lPhoto is better, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table. They've even copied Apple's mistakes: You still can't have hierarchical photo albums in lPhoto.
Oh, and to get an idea as to how deeply this copy runs, lSongs can actually use iTunes XML library files without modification. That's right, you can re-use your iTunes XML file as an lSongs XML file. While this is very handy, it is yet another example of the lack of originality in these applications.
Shameful, yes. Sadly, these are still two of the most usable new Linux apps out there. I guess the thing that gets me is that, Open Source or not, if Microsoft had done this, everyone would be screaming bloody murder, Apple would have already filed lawsuits, and the press would have been all over it. I don't like Microsoft, but the double standard that exists in the Open Source community degrades us all in the end.