Home > Trips > Greece and Turkey > Subject: Last full day in Kos (Presentation day)

Subject: Last full day in Kos (Presentation day)

Date: 07/05/2007 04:21 AM

Hello everyone,

Sarah's out at conference at the moment. She presents at 3:30PM (9:30AM
in Canada, I think.) She's ready and has been through it several times
with me and Linko as an audiance.

Kos is fantastic. We had originally planned to make day trips to other
islands but there is so much to see and do here that we haven't bothered.
The three of us (Sarah, me and Lenko) walked/hiked to Asklepieion two days
ago before the trek back to the conference for drinks/mingling.
Asklepieion is where Hippocrates taught. It offers a spectacular view of
Kos town and the coast of Turky. It was quite a hike, but was worth it.
We wandered back through the mountain countryside passing through several
olive and grape farms. That too was wonderful.

Yesterday the three of us struck out to the Therma again (the hot
springs). We were there for hours, alternating between the hot springs
and the cold sea. It was very relaxing. From here, we toured more Roman
and Greek ruins, Hippocrates tree, the castle, and met up with some people
we met the day before. After this, it was out to the banquet dinner where
we met a very nice professor, had good food and enjoyed a local
traditional Greek band/dancing group. Quite a day!

Sarah and Lenko are both in sessions all day today. I'm getting our stuff
together. We purchased boat tickets to Turkey yesterday. (I had my first
chance at bartering. Very common in Turkey.)

Glen asked us if we've learned any phrases. I think Sarah is doing better
on that count than I am. Whenever I ask something in Greek, I end out
reverting to English, as they don't understand me. Very embarrassing.
I'm trying, though. To be honest, Kos is very much a tourist destination,
so everyone here speaks English.

We've been tasting many local specialties. Fresh fish from the sea, local
wine, ouzo and beer, Greek coffee, gyros, souvlaki, mousaka, pastries and
more. All have been delicious. (Though the fresh fish with head, tail
and fins was jarring at first.)

Kris, sorry for bringing you in to this late. We're in the middle of a
three week trip to Greece and Turkey.

Pauline, I'll pass your message on to Sarah when I head out to the
conference centre this afternoon.

Mom, Sarah has the victory nickle you gave her, so she's sure to do well.

Okay, I'd really best run. I have much to do. We may not send out
updates for a couple of days, as we're on the move quite a bit until we
get to Istanbul (three or four days from now, I think.)

Love to you all,

Ben (and Sarah)

PS: Sorry, no pictures. We'll put them up when we get back and will send
everyone a link to the website.